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[E] Rainbowjimmy
[E] Rainbowjimmy
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over 14 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Username: Rainbowjimmy When you were banned : June 15, 2011 Person who banned you: Reggrief Reason you were banned: Griefing A while ago I was banned for griefing someone's house, I would like another shot at playing the server and am sorry for the trouble I caused. The report post was called cove grief if you'd like to see it.
over 13 years ago
If you haven't given my stuff away, please give it it my friend zdeathclock. That includes the items in my vault that was not taken from grief.
over 13 years ago
Im not gonna appeal, i got bored of the server. Weezel can have the stuff in my vault tho all his stuff should be there too.
over 13 years ago